Our communities can make a real difference to their own local areas that, when joined up, will help create a landscape scale network of habitats rich in biodiversity that will support nature recovery and all of the essential and varied benefits and services that our natural environment provides, Firsdown and Wiltshire Council will provide blogs and other information on environmental issues on this page.

Firsdown Parish Council biodiversity policy

Our policy on biodiversity is available to view here.


Wiltshire Council Environmental Toolkit

“The Wiltshire Community Environmental Toolkit has been developed in partnership with Natural England to allow communities to take the lead in defining and restoring biodiversity in their community. Designed for use by community groups, local landowners, Parish and Town Councils, schools and youth groups it provides a structure for how local communities can better understand what they already have in terms of biodiverse habitats as well as how to plan for developing greater biodiversity and nature based carbon sequestration in the future. The Toolkit also signposts to many other organisations which can assist communities in delivering their aims and objectives.”

WC Environmental Toolkit 2021


Management of the Byway

The land to the south of Firs Road known as the byway, is owned by Wiltshire Council but managed by the Parish Council. The field side hedge will now be cut on the basis of one third of the hedge being cut each year, rather than the entire hedge being cut to the same uniform height. The varied height of the hedge should promote better biodiversity.

The byway is one of the few areas of calcareous grassland left in Wiltshire. Calcareous habitats are those associated with thin basic soils such as those on chalk. These habitats support unique flora and fauna not found elsewhere. The majority of the byway will be left uncut until the autumn each year  to encourage wild flowers and grasses. 2 narrow pathways will be cut along the length of the byway to make access easier for users such as cyclists, push chairs and those users with limited mobility.


Firsdown footpaths group

The Footpath Group comprises three trained volunteers who maintain and clear the public paths of vegetation in Firsdown Parish. The group meet on an ad hoc basis.

The Group maintains the footpaths within the Parish, including the 2.5 mile Firsdown Circular Walk, to a standard for walkers so that ordinary outdoor footwear can be used during the summer.


Firsdown conservation group

This small group of residents, was initiated in the Summer of 2023, to retain and encourage flora and fauna in the field through which the Old Roman Road byway passes. Many chalk downland flora and fauna species are present in this field and initially their efforts are to encourage and conserve what already exists in a way sympathetic to the use of the Play Area, the seating area alongside and dog walkers.

A noticeboard is soon to be erected next to the seating area which will outline immediate plans and also update residents of the Nitrogen Offset Conservation Area planned for Roundbarrow Farm.



Regular litter picks are carried out of the road side verges between Firsdown and the Dunstable Crossroads and also from the crossroads to the A30 traffic lights. The collected rubbish is sorted and where possible recycled. The Parish Council asks residents to help keep our Parish litter free.


Useful recycling links for plastics and other items not accepted by Wiltshire Council

Details of what is accepted by the Wiltshire kerbside recycling are here:


For single use plastics and other items not accepted by Wiltshire, these schemes maybe useful.

Salisbury Recycles for Medic to Medic

Will accept plastic toothpaste tubes other similar containers, personal care products such as plastic disposal razors, toothbrushes and makeup containers, as well as plastic toys, old pens, medicine pill blister packs and a host of other plastic items. Details are on their website.


Local pick up points can be found by emailing: 

Plastic film/soft plastics

Tescos Southampton Road have cages by the store entrance where bagged soft plastics and film can be left. Sainsbury’s at the Maltings and Waitrose Churchill Way West have similar schemes.

In addition, the Parish Council have set up a collection bin for soft plastics by the Great Croft noticeboard.


The following website allows you to find where to recycle locally practically anything, as well as providing useful tips and hints.


Even your old corks from wine bottles can be recycled, details here:




Firsdown was one of the first Parishes in Wiltshire to request switching off of its streetlights after midnight following a consultation exercise led by Wiltshire Council back in 2010. The majority of our streetlights are switched off between midnight and 0530, with only those at the junctions of Firs Road and some of the lights at the A30 junction remaining on all night. The LED lighting that was installed during July 2021, is also dimmed down in brightness, in stages during each evening.