Local Area Boards (Salisbury, Southern Wiltshire and South West Wiltshire) have each contributed funding to the 2019 Silver Sunday programme of events.
The programme, which is geared towards helping older people access local activities and groups, was first piloted in Salisbury last year, but the hope this year is that it can begin to build more activities for villages from the Southern Wiltshire and South West Wiltshire areas.
https://www.firsdown-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Sports-people-cartoon-vector-02.jpg386500firsdownpchttps://www.firsdown-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/firsdown-PC-logo-mastr-262x300.jpgfirsdownpc2019-07-25 10:13:332019-07-25 10:13:33Summer Events at Amesbury Sports Centre
https://www.firsdown-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/shutterstock_strideill1-360x203.jpg203360firsdownpchttps://www.firsdown-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/firsdown-PC-logo-mastr-262x300.jpgfirsdownpc2019-07-24 10:01:002019-07-24 10:01:00Winterslow Trail Run
https://www.firsdown-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/familyfunday.png198255firsdownpchttps://www.firsdown-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/firsdown-PC-logo-mastr-262x300.jpgfirsdownpc2019-07-24 09:58:282019-07-24 09:58:28Bishopdown Fun Day
Held in Market Place ( Salisbury ) on July 28th, 11am -4pm, there will be street food from around the world, food demonstrations and workshops, together with live music.
https://www.firsdown-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/image-10.png4431000firsdownpchttps://www.firsdown-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/firsdown-PC-logo-mastr-262x300.jpgfirsdownpc2019-07-24 09:26:112019-07-24 09:26:11Music in the Park
The annual Firsdown Music Festival takes place on 2nd & 3rd August. More details here: http://www.firsfest.co.uk/
https://www.firsdown-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/98854422-7D98-4F24-9598-91BB6E7144CC.jpg30244032firsdownpchttps://www.firsdown-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/firsdown-PC-logo-mastr-262x300.jpgfirsdownpc2019-07-24 09:17:542019-07-24 09:17:54Firsdown Music Festival 2019
Wiltshire Council is consulting on developing proposals for an exciting future for Salisbury, which they are calling the Salisbury Central Area Framework. This consultation will inform the development proposals for the city centre and are asking for your feedback on what you’d like the city centre to look like in the future.
When completed, the Salisbury Central Area Framework will set out a strategy that will be deliverable and will bring positive change to create a more vibrant city centre. As part of this, they want to ensure that the traditional aspects of heritage, green space and community are enhanced and encouraged. The Salisbury Central Area Framework will build upon previous consultations and bring together many different projects and initiatives under one single document. This will form an important part of the evidence base to inform the emerging Wiltshire Local Plan Review and Salisbury Neighbourhood Plan.
Consultation documents
Information about the Salisbury Central Area Framework will be published on Thursday 27th June 2019 via the Wiltshire Council website at:
Visiting the venues above and filling out a paper survey to be sent by post to:
Major Projects, Wiltshire Council, The Council House, Bourne Hill, Salisbury, SP1 3UZ.
Public exhibition
A public exhibition will be held on Tuesday 2nd July 2019 from 9:30am – 6:45pm in the Salisbury Guildhall Square. Wiltshire Council officers and members of the consultant team will be available during this time to answer questions about the Salisbury Central Area Framework.
Next steps and further information
All comments received during the consultation period will be taken into consideration before a final version of the Salisbury Central Area Framework is produced.
Should you require further information on the consultation, please email: or telephone 01225 718430
https://www.firsdown-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/wiltshire-council-logo-2011.gif45214firsdownpchttps://www.firsdown-pc.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/firsdown-PC-logo-mastr-262x300.jpgfirsdownpc2019-07-05 09:00:402019-07-05 09:00:40Notice of consultation on the Salisbury Central Area Framework