
The Parish Council is unable to provide first aid or emergency assistance. We recommend that residents take note of the guidance given below and attached.

In a situation that poses an immediate risk to life/health, property, or the environment, call 999 and ask for the appropriate emergency service.

  • An Automated Emergency Defibrillator (AED) is located in the kiosk on Firs Road. Dial 999 and the emergency operator will determine if the AED is to be used and will provide instructions to unlock the cabinet, and guidance on the use of the AED.
  • The Parish Council recommends residents download what3words to their mobile phone which will allow your location to be pinpointed to within a 3m square. This is particularly important when using the footpaths within the parish as emergency services won’t be familiar with local landmarks or reference points.


  • In the event of loss of electricity call 105.
  • Vulnerable people such as the elderly living alone, those with mental health issues, disabilities, or in ill health can obtain extra help in the event of loss of utilities such as water or electricity. In order to qualify you will need to register.

Electricity (regardless of who your supplier is)


Once registered, you will be provided with:

• Advance notice of planned outages, and progress updates in the event of an unplanned interruption
• Additional help provided by local community organisations such as the Red Cross who will be notified on your behalf
• Emergency power for medical equipment at home
• Non-electrical, heating appliances


Once registered, you will be provided with:
• Advanced notice of planned outages, and progress updates in the event of an unplanned interruption such as bursts
• Emergency water/bottled water – which can be delivered to your home
• For those requiring home dialysis, special arrangements will be provided


Total Attachments: 1

Download: Help and assistance (443 KB)