Wiltshire Local Plan Review

Wiltshire Council is  reviewing the Wiltshire Core Strategy (adopted January 2015), which sets
out planning policies for the development and use of land in the county over the period to
2026 and is used in the determination of planning applications. Referred to as the Wiltshire Local Plan Review.

Wiltshire Council are seeking your views on the scope of the review and the issues the Council should
consider in planning for the period to 2036. The review will involve the preparation of a
Joint Spatial Framework with Swindon Borough Council. At this stage, no decisions have
been made on the future locations for growth and development.

How to comment
The consultation runs from 9:00am on Tuesday 7 November 2017 until 5:00pm on
Tuesday 19 December 2017.

All the consultation documents and supporting evidence are available on this link:

Copies of the consultation documents can also be viewed during normal opening hours at
the Council’s main offices at Monkton Park (Chippenham), Bourne Hill (Salisbury), County
Hall (Trowbridge) and at all Wiltshire Council libraries.

Comments can be returned via the following means:
 Online via the Council’s dedicated consultation portal:

 By email using the representation form available on the web site and returned to
; or

 By post in writing to: Spatial Planning, Economic Development & Planning, Wiltshire
Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN.


Total Attachments: 1

Download: Notification Letter (200 KB)