Following the concern of residents and supported by our Unitary Councillor Rich Rogers, the Parish Council has asked Wiltshire Council to undertake a Speed Limit Assessment (SLA) of the A30 from the St Thomas roundabout in Laverstock to the Lopcombe Corner (A30/A343) junction. The assessment was received by the Parish Council in December 2023.
The highest mean speeds on the A30 are from Clearway to the start of the dual carriageway section, which includes the Firs Rd junction. The mean speed on this section was calculated at 58.9mph so only just under the existing 60mph limit. The assessment suggests that there is merit in reducing the speed limit to 50mph in the vicinity of the A30/Firs Rd junction to improve safety.
The SLA was discussed at the meeting of the Parish Council (PC) on 11th January and it was decided to proceed with a request to Wiltshire Council for the speed limit reduction to 50mph.
The next step will be for the PC to formally raise this as a request at the next Local Highways and Footpaths Improvements Group (LHFIG) meeting on the 6th February.
Indicative costs of the scheme are in the region of £20K which includes legal costs as well as lining, signing and carriageway works. Parish Councils are expected to make at least a 25% contribution to the cost of schemes submitted to the LHFIG. However, this would result in a LHFIG contribution which would be disproportionally large (with respect to the total LHFIG budget) from Firsdown, and is unlikely to be approved.
At the PC meeting on the 11th January, the PC decided it would increase the precept for the 2024/25 FY to raise sufficient funds to enable it to meet 50% of the cost of the scheme. It was felt that given the importance placed by residents on making safety improvements at the Firs Road junction, that such an increase was justified. The precept increase would be for the 2024/25 FY only.