A30/Firs Road dropped curb – request for historical evidence
The Parish Council intends to add a new dropped kerb at the A30/Firs Road junction to improve access from the bus stop and footpath across Firs Road to the carwash/Thyme and Tides.
We have asked Wiltshire Council Highways to (re)install the dropped kerb, but the legal ownership of the land is not clear. Wiltshire Council needs additional evidence to help support its legal claim that it owns the land in question, so that it can proceed with the project.
Do you have any photos or written information which could provide evidence that there was ever a dropped kerb or crossing point from the Salisbury side of the Firs Road/A30 junction across to the car wash?
Please send any photos or information you may have to:
Wiltshire Councillor Rich Rogers – or to the Parish Clerk, Catherine Purves –