Broadband – Update provided by Councillor Simon Brown
Work by Openreach to provide additional capacity at the “Green Cabinet” Ilynton Avenue ( A 2nd cabinet is due to be installed ) starts in ( Openreach have now rescheduled the upgrade work to start in mid –January 2019). However, there is usually a 4-6 month period following installation, before the cabinet is available for service, as the copper lines need to be transferred, fibre and mains power connected, and the cabinet commissioned. Once the new cabinet is in service, those households on the waiting list for FFTC services will be able to place an order.
Virgin Media has been in contact with the Parish Council to identify the local landowners so that the cable route into Firsdown can be planned. Locations for their cabinets (much smaller than for Openreach) have been identified. Construction work is due to start in the spring, with service planned to be available for order, towards the end of 2019.