Drainage works on the byway start on 9th July – machinery on site & areas fenced off

Works starts on Tuesday 9th July to provide a permanent solution to deal with surface water from the drains on Firs Road. The existing soakaways and outfall within the byway are silted up and the pipework has collapsed. Heavy rain causes the outfall pipe to back up and flood gardens of properties in Firs Road. The Parish Council have agreed with Wiltshire Council that a long swale (channel) will be dug on the byway, adjacent and parallel to the field hedge. The swale will be approximately 100m long and will contain the rain water before releasing it slowly back into the ground. The swale will be deepest at the west end and will become progressively shallower towards its eastern end.

Tracked earth moving machinery will be in use, using the footpath from Firs Road for access. The work area will be fenced off but there will inevitably be some short term disturbance to other areas of the byway – it will look worse in the short term. The excavated top soil will initially be stored in the centre of the byway before being used to landscape and raise the edges of the swale and blend the edges into the surrounding land as part of the last phase of the works.


Long term, the Parish Council hopes that the swale will provide an increase in biodiversity due to the creation of a wetland habitat. Standing water is not envisaged to be present in the swale for long periods.

The photograph shows a similar swale elsewhere – it is likely that the Firsdown swale will be deeper but not as wide.