Planning application to build 9 dwellings on land at 6 Firs Road.

The Parish Council were notified today (31st October) that a planning application has been re-submitted for 9 dwellings on land at 6 Firs Road. The Parish Council held a public meeting back in September 2021 when the plans were originally submitted. The minutes for that meeting and the decision of the Parish Council are attached below.

2021-09-16 APPROVED Ex Ord FPC Minutes Sept 2021 (2)

2021-09-16 Appendix to EX Ord FPC Minutes Sept 2021

The re-submitted application has been updated in the following areas:

Access Road improvements

Baseline habitats

Biodiversity metric

Ecological Appraisal


Nutrient budget

Proposed habitats

Woodland condition sheets

Revision to planning statement

The application is in outline for the erection of nine dwellings with all matters reserved except for access, layout and landscaping. As such, at this stage, there is only a layout plan of the houses proposed. A further application would be needed to cover those areas that are not reserved.

The Parish Council will discuss this application at our meeting on 2nd November @ 7.30pm at Winterslow Village Hall. The public are welcome to attend.

The application documents can be viewed here.