Recycling – let’s sort it: help us to increase recycling and reduce contamination

Wiltshire Council are asking for your help to recycle more by ensuring you only put the correct things into your blue-lidded bin, or blue recycling bag.

They’ve seen an increase in items that can’t be recycled being put in blue-lidded bins and blue bags as part of our kerbside scheme, so please double-check what you can and can’t recycle at home.

They’ve found all sorts of things in blue-lidded bins – including nappies, knives, car parts, tools and much more. Nappies can go into your general waste bin, while knives, car parts and tools should be taken to your nearest household recycling centre.

But perhaps the most common wrong item that people put into their blue-lidded bin is plastic bags – this includes carrier bags, bin bags and plastic film such as fruit bags or the film on top of meat or ready meal trays.

Please put your recycling loose into your blue-lidded bin – not in a carrier bag or bin liner – and place any plastic bags, bin bags or plastic film in your general waste bin. We send the general waste we collect at the kerbside to waste treatment facilities where it is used to help produce energy.

Thank you for helping us to recycle more!

Find out what can and can’t be recycled: