Roundbarrow Farm conservation area – what are you views?

Roundbarrow Farm (the land to the west of the Pitton Road) was previously managed as a dairy farm and was returned to Wiltshire Council in September 2021. Wiltshire Council intend to manage the land to enhance the natural capital and for conservation purposes, rather than as an intensive dairy farm, and create nitrogen ‘credits’ that can be traded to counterbalance the nitrogen burdens from new development.

A public consultation meeting has already been held by Wiltshire Council, and they have committed to provide a new footpath linking Firsdown and Pitton. The Parish Council intends to formally submit ideas for conservation use of the land. We discussed this at our public meeting on 8th June.

Ideas already suggested include:

  • Circular foothpath – in addition to the new Firsdown/Pitton footpath
  • Allotments
  • Community orchard – with less common fruit tress such as pears, plums and cherries
  • Wildlife pond/wetland area
  • Areas specifically set aside for wildflowers

If you have ideas that you would like us to submit then please get in touch – our contact details are on the Home page.