Salisbury Community Policing Team Report
Prevention is better than cure
Covid continues to dominate the Policing picture with patrols and enforcement continuing. We now have a Road-Map to exit Lockdown, thanks to an impressive delivery of vaccination by our partners, but wanted to reinforce the message that we currently remain in Lockdown and all the dates provided by the Government are preceded with ‘AND NOT BEFORE’. As much as we welcome projected dates, we all must take responsibility to not book fixed dates for events or gatherings until we are clear that they can be fulfilled. It is vital that we continue to follow the advice from the Government, in line with the scientific advice they are receiving, in order to keep our communities safe and not extend or return to future Lockdown periods.
For more details refer to the attached document
Community Messaging. This is an underused tool but I am encouraging greater use by my staff. One particular function is the ability to map private CCTV systems. The increase in numbers of security systems linked to doorbells is an opportunity that can support investigations. A database that provides the ability to email information that an offence has occurred in an area and we are looking for a person of a certain description, could be the vital link to locate an image nearby on such a camera. Please log in/sign up to Community Messenger and tick the CCTV box to help.
For more details refer to the attached document
Total Attachments: 1