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Drainage works on the byway start on 9th July – machinery on site & areas fenced off

Works starts on Tuesday 9th July to provide a permanent solution to deal with surface water from the drains on Firs Road. The existing soakaways and outfall within the byway are silted up and the pipework has collapsed. Heavy rain causes the outfall pipe to back up and flood gardens of properties in Firs Road. The Parish Council have agreed with Wiltshire Council that a long swale (channel) will be dug on the byway, adjacent and parallel to the field hedge. The swale will be approximately 100m long and will contain the rain water before releasing it slowly back into the ground. The swale will be deepest at the west end and will become progressively shallower towards its eastern end.

Tracked earth moving machinery will be in use, using the footpath from Firs Road for access. The work area will be fenced off but there will inevitably be some short term disturbance to other areas of the byway – it will look worse in the short term. The excavated top soil will initially be stored in the centre of the byway before being used to landscape and raise the edges of the swale and blend the edges into the surrounding land as part of the last phase of the works.


Long term, the Parish Council hopes that the swale will provide an increase in biodiversity due to the creation of a wetland habitat. Standing water is not envisaged to be present in the swale for long periods.

The photograph shows a similar swale elsewhere – it is likely that the Firsdown swale will be deeper but not as wide.


Pitton Carnival Auction of Promises

The Pitton Carnival on-line Auction will be running from 9:00am on Saturday 29th June, through to 6:00pm on Saturday 6th July. This year there will be a stand at the Carnival fete showing all the auction items and you can finalise your bidding there by phone. Then the Auction will close at 6:00pm, when the Carnival stalls close.

You can bid for items, or just donate money to the village hall.

When the auction finishes successful bidders will be sent a notification for payment of their item by credit card.

The software platform we are using is provided to us free of charge by Galabid. When you make your payment there will be a non-compulsory donation button. We use this auction platform every year and to keep this facility available Galabid need to achieve some income, so please give generously.

Please join and start making your bids

It’s more fun if you are not ‘anonymous’ – knowing who you are bidding against is part of the fun

Full details of how to register and bid are downloadable here: Auction poster 2024

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MoD road closure

From Monday 1 to Friday 12 (inclusive) July the MOD section of Winterslow Road that crosses Porton Down Ranges will be closed to all traffic from the junction of the A30 to Blackbarn Road between the hours 10:30 to 15:00.

There will be sign posted diversion routes.

Audit Compliance Evaluation Financial Statement Concept

Internal audit and financial documents

Statute requires all town and parish councils to arrange for an independent internal audit examination of their accounting records and system of internal control and for the conclusions to be reported each year in the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR).

This report sets out the audit undertaken in relation to the 2023-24 financial year, which took place on 9th April 2024.

Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of AGAR, and the accounting records for the financial year to which it relates. For the year ending 31/03/24, these documents will be available on reasonable notice, between the period of 03/06/24 and 12/07/24.

The AGAR notice is available here.

The summary of public rights is available page 1 and page 2.

The full audit report and finance documents are available to download and view on our website here.


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Pitton Community Store – Pioneer Share target met

The following update has been by provided by the Pitton Community Store Ltd:

We are pleased to report that we have reached the optimum target of £31,000 for the PCSL Pioneer share offer.

That means that the share offer is now closed.

There will be a further opportunity to purchase shares in the summer.

Thank you all so much for providing the community support to enable us to close this offer ten days earlier than the deadline.


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MoD road closure

On Thursday 16 May 2024, the MOD section of Winterslow Road that crosses Porton Down Ranges will be closed to all traffic from the junction of the A30 to Blackbarn Road between the hours 10:30 to 15:00.

There will be sign posted diversion routes.

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Pitton Community Store – Pioneer Share Scheme now live

The following update has been by provided by the Pitton Community Store Ltd.


Last week we held two meetings to share progress and to launch the Pioneer Share Scheme to raise funds for the next stage.  The two meetings were very well attended and it is clear that there is lots of support for development of a new community shop In Pitton.

We are only four days into the launch of the Pioneer Share Scheme and are pleased to report that we have already received over a third of our target funding.  A huge thank you.  With other pledges in the pipeline we hope to pass the halfway mark very soon.  The share scheme is open until 27th May.

If you were unable to attend, or have not yet had a chance to look at our documents you can find the Prospectus, Business Plan and Cashflow Forecasts in the links at the end of this email.

You can also pick up a printed copy of the prospectus from the village shop in Pitton.

Some people have asked if they can make a donation rather than buy shares at this point.  We are very happy to receive donations, however small.  To donate please follow the link below or contact Brian Cudby on 01722 712600.

Very best wishes and thank you again for your support so far

Brian Cudby

On behalf of Pitton Community Store Ltd


Details of how to invest via the Pioneer Share Scheme are here.

Business Plan

Cash flows forecasts

Website link.

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Work of the Parish Council May 23-Apr 24

The work carried out and progress made by the Parish Council over the last year were outlined in the Annual Parish (Electors) Meeting on the 2nd May. A printed transcript is available in the link.  Chairman Statement Annual electors meeting May 2024

community shop

Update on Pitton Community Shop and launch of Community Share Scheme, details of public meeting.

The following has been provided by the Community shop team.


The Pitton Community shop project is progressing well and the next stage is to launch the first of our community share schemes.


We would like to invite you to a launch event which will provide information on the following and give you the opportunity to ask any questions: 

  • The overall shop plan and timescale, and what the shop may look like
  • Our progress so far, including feedback on our pre-planning application to Wiltshire Council, feedback from residents and progress with the village hall
  • An outline of the next stage
  • The Pioneer Community Share Scheme  – a prospectus will be available for you to take away
  • Plans for further fund-raising
  • How you can help

Two sessions have been organised, each with a short presentation (15 minutes) followed by the opportunity for questions and your suggestions going forward.  These sessions will be held on Friday 26th April at 7.30 p.m. and Saturday 27th April at 11:00 a.m in Pitton village hall.


We look forward to seeing you.  If you are unable to attend, but are interested in hearing more please contact Brian Cudby who will be able to provide you with a printed copy of the prospectus after the launch events.

Their website is here.


route 68

Additional bus services

The Parish Council had previously asked Stagecoach to re-route the Salisbury Winchester service along Firs Rd rather than it travelling along the A30. At the time Stagecoach refused. We are pleased to announce that with the help of other local residents, this change has now been made.

The 68 provides an additional 2 return journeys between Salisbury and Firsdown per day, with the route extending to Stockbridge and Winchester.

It only runs weekdays during term times as it is primarily intended for students travelling to Peter Symonds college in Winchester but residents may find the service useful for leisure purposes.

The Stagecoach website for the timetable is here scroll to page 2 or the timetable can be viewed directly here.