Firsdown map

Biodiversity Policy

The recently adopted Biodiversity Policy of Firsdown Parish Council is available to view on our environment page.

Firsdown Defibrillator

Defibrillator Training

The defibrillator housed in the old telephone box in Firs Rd is fully automated and will guide the user on how to use it. To gain access, dial 999 and the emergency call operator will provide the code to unlock the cabinet.

If you would like to gain more understanding on when to use a defibrillator and learn how to carry out CPR, there is a 1hr training course being held at Winterslow Primary School, Weds 17th April at 7pm.

Time and talents

Volunteers needed

Our area is blessed with lots of different and varied events supplying the villages with entertainment, education, support and ‘get togethers’. All these are run by volunteers and it is thanks to them that there is such a vibrant and enthusiastic atmosphere when events are put on and appreciation of the work that goes into these.

Time and Talents is an initiative that aims to provide details of all of these varied groups in a booklet that will shortly be delivered to households in the Firsdown and Winterslow areas.

This publication highlights the work of each group in the community, their current and future aims and how best to take their initiatives and plans forward.

Whether it is for 1 hour a month, or sitting at a computer, or getting your hands dirty, there is always something that you can do to help and enhance the work already in place.

There will be a free “Communities Day” at Winterslow Village Hall on 13th April 1000-1600, where each volunteer group will have a table and a chance to meet the public (a bit like university refreshers day).

Refreshment & entertainment will be provided by volunteers on the day and the hope is to bring the community together to benefit everyone.

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MoD road closure

The MoD Section of the Winterslow Road, at Porton Down, Salisbury between Blackbarn Road and the A30 will be closed between the hours of 08:00 hrs Saturday 16th March and 16:00 on Sunday 17th March 2024 operational reasons. There will be sign posted diversion routes.

Condition of the byway

The Parish Council are fully aware of the damage caused to the surface of the byway, particularly by the play area and the end of the footpath from Firs Road.

This was caused by a contractor using machinery to undertake hedge cutting. The Parish Council wants to make it clear, that this work was not authorised by us, and furthermore we were specifically not going to undertake full hedge cutting anymore. Only 1/3rd of the hedge would be cut each year in order to promote a variety of hedge heights which is better suited to diversity of flora and fauna.

The Parish Council will be speaking to the contractor in the strongest terms.

We are also aware that the gate clasp does not now fully locate. We will endeavour to remedy this, at least on a temporary basis, in the next 24 hours.

Wiltshire Southern Area Board meeting – Highways Q&A session.

The next meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board will be Thursday 22nd February 7pm, at Alderbury Village Hall. On the agenda will be a “Highways Matters” item. This will be an opportunity to meet with the highways team, community road safety team, and others to ask questions and raise concerns. Written questions before the event are encouraged to ensure appropriate responses. If Firsdown residents have any issues they wish to be raised, then please contact the Parish Council with them by 12th February.


Potential reduction in A30 speed limit

Following the concern of residents and supported by our Unitary Councillor Rich Rogers, the Parish Council has asked Wiltshire Council to undertake a Speed Limit Assessment (SLA) of the A30 from the St Thomas roundabout in Laverstock to the Lopcombe Corner (A30/A343) junction. The assessment was received by the Parish Council in December 2023.


The highest mean speeds on the A30 are from Clearway to the start of the dual carriageway section, which includes the Firs Rd junction. The mean speed on this section was calculated at 58.9mph so only just under the existing 60mph limit. The assessment suggests that there is merit in reducing the speed limit to 50mph in the vicinity of the A30/Firs Rd junction to improve safety.


The SLA was discussed at the meeting of the Parish Council (PC) on 11th January and it was decided to proceed with a request to Wiltshire Council for the speed limit reduction to 50mph.


The next step will be for the PC to formally raise this as a request at the next Local Highways and Footpaths Improvements Group (LHFIG) meeting on the 6th February.


Indicative costs of the scheme are in the region of £20K which includes legal costs as well as lining, signing and carriageway works. Parish Councils are expected to make at least a 25% contribution to the cost of schemes submitted to the LHFIG. However, this would result in a LHFIG contribution which would be disproportionally large (with respect to the total LHFIG budget) from Firsdown, and is unlikely to be approved.


At the PC meeting on the 11th January, the PC decided it would increase the precept for the 2024/25 FY to raise sufficient funds to enable it to meet 50% of the cost of the scheme. It was felt that given the importance placed by residents on making safety improvements at the Firs Road junction, that such an increase was justified. The precept increase would be for the 2024/25 FY only.


Winterslow Youth Zone

Are your children aged between 10 -15 years old?

Would they like to mix with other children of the same age in an relaxed atmosphere but under adult supervision?

As a parent could you do with a couple of child free evenings a month?

The Winterslow Youth Zone meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday evenings of each month at Barry’s field. Children are encouraged to interact and entertain themselves, rather than organised events being laid on. If they just want space to chill out then that’s ok as well.

The Youth Zone has just won the Robbie’s Endeavour Trophy award from Community First.

If you would like to volunteer as a helper at the Youth Zone, then the organisers will be keen to hear from you as well.

Dog waste bins

The Parish Council are experiencing difficulties with our contractor for emptying of the dog waste bins.

It is a legal requirement for owners to clean up after their pets.

Should a dog waste bin be full, please do not leave the dog waste on, or around the bin.

Either take the waste home with you and dispose of it in your black bin, or use one of the litter bins located in Firs Road.

planning small

Planning application to build 9 dwellings on land at 6 Firs Road.

The Parish Council were notified today (31st October) that a planning application has been re-submitted for 9 dwellings on land at 6 Firs Road. The Parish Council held a public meeting back in September 2021 when the plans were originally submitted. The minutes for that meeting and the decision of the Parish Council are attached below.

2021-09-16 APPROVED Ex Ord FPC Minutes Sept 2021 (2)

2021-09-16 Appendix to EX Ord FPC Minutes Sept 2021

The re-submitted application has been updated in the following areas:

Access Road improvements

Baseline habitats

Biodiversity metric

Ecological Appraisal


Nutrient budget

Proposed habitats

Woodland condition sheets

Revision to planning statement

The application is in outline for the erection of nine dwellings with all matters reserved except for access, layout and landscaping. As such, at this stage, there is only a layout plan of the houses proposed. A further application would be needed to cover those areas that are not reserved.

The Parish Council will discuss this application at our meeting on 2nd November @ 7.30pm at Winterslow Village Hall. The public are welcome to attend.

The application documents can be viewed here.