Broadband – Update provided by Councillor Simon Brown

Work by Openreach to provide additional capacity at the “Green Cabinet”  Ilynton Avenue ( A 2nd cabinet is due to be installed )  starts in ( Openreach have now rescheduled the upgrade work to start in mid –January 2019). However, there is usually a 4-6 month period following installation, before the cabinet is available for service, as the copper lines need to be transferred, fibre and mains power connected, and the cabinet commissioned. Once the new cabinet is in service, those households on the waiting list for FFTC services will be able to place an order.


Virgin Media has been in contact with the Parish Council to identify the local landowners so that the cable route into Firsdown can be planned. Locations for their cabinets (much smaller than for Openreach) have been identified. Construction work is due to start in the spring, with service planned to be available for order, towards the end of 2019.

Volunteer Conservation Days

Hazel Hill Wood

The Conservation Group at Hazel Hill-Wood would love to hear from you

For more information see the attached flyer or scan the QR code

Warm & Safe Wiltshire

Do you struggle to keep your home warm or worry how you will afford your energy bills this winter?

For free, impartial advice about keeping warm in your home

Contact Warm & Safe Wiltshire a service provided by Swindon Borough Council and Wiltshire Council in partnership with “The Centre for Sustainable Energy and Dorset and Wiltshire Fire service ”

Call 0800 038 5722


Total Attachments: 1

Download: Warm And Safe July 2018 (19 KB)

Great news – from 30 July you’ll be able to recycle even more!

From 30th July you can recycle:



In addition to plastic bottles and cardboard, you will be able to put yogurt pots, plastic trays, margarine tubs, ice cream tubs and juice cartons in your blue bin.

Please rinse and squash your recycling where possible.

Plastic films and black plastic cannot be recycled.

Wiltshire Local Plan Review

Wiltshire Council is  reviewing the Wiltshire Core Strategy (adopted January 2015), which sets
out planning policies for the development and use of land in the county over the period to
2026 and is used in the determination of planning applications. Referred to as the Wiltshire Local Plan Review.

Wiltshire Council are seeking your views on the scope of the review and the issues the Council should
consider in planning for the period to 2036. The review will involve the preparation of a
Joint Spatial Framework with Swindon Borough Council. At this stage, no decisions have
been made on the future locations for growth and development.

How to comment
The consultation runs from 9:00am on Tuesday 7 November 2017 until 5:00pm on
Tuesday 19 December 2017.

All the consultation documents and supporting evidence are available on this link:

Copies of the consultation documents can also be viewed during normal opening hours at
the Council’s main offices at Monkton Park (Chippenham), Bourne Hill (Salisbury), County
Hall (Trowbridge) and at all Wiltshire Council libraries.

Comments can be returned via the following means:
 Online via the Council’s dedicated consultation portal:

 By email using the representation form available on the web site and returned to
; or

 By post in writing to: Spatial Planning, Economic Development & Planning, Wiltshire
Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN.


Total Attachments: 1

Download: Notification Letter (200 KB)

Parish Circular Walk Inauguration Sunday 1st October 2017

Despite the forecast of poor weather for the Inauguration of the Firsdown Circular Walk, there was a good turnout of residents and the weather stayed fine for most of the walk.

Nigel Walsh spoke briefly about the circular walk describing how two other parishes, Pitton and Alderbury, have established circular walks in place with another two due for completion at The Grimsteads and Downton. It is intended to expand and establish more signed and waymarked circular walks at other parishes of Southern Wiltshire with the help of local volunteers.

County Councillor Chris Devine declared the walk open and Mary Read, Firsdown’s oldest resident of the original hamlet, cut the ribbon.

Mary described moving into Firsdown when it was part of the Winterslow Parish and building their own bungalow in 1953, the year of the Queen’s Coronation. This was coincidentally the same year that Sir Edmund Hillary conquered the world’s highest peak, Mt Everest. So Mary and John Read appropriately named their home Everest.

The walking party completed the circuit in good time an four of us continued up to Figsbury and back along Monarchs Way.

“Firsdown Paths Group” will be organizing further regular walks around the circuit with the option to go on to Figsbury or Winterbourne Earls in the future. This will be a great way to combine enjoyable exercise through our beautiful parish with meeting up with neighbours.

“Firsdown Paths Group” and the Parish Council would like to thank all who turned out despite the ‘inclement weather’ and for Chris Devine and Mary Read giving us their time to open the walk.

Founder Members of Firsdown path Group

Nigel Walsh, Geoff Heard & Sam Esser

Firsdown Paths Group

Firsdown Circular Walk Official Opening 

Firsdown Paths Group are proud to announce the official opening of the circular walk ranging from 2.5 to 5 miles,

The official opening takes places on Sunday 1st October at 2 pm and starts from outside the Play Area at the South end of Firsdown

All are welcome so please do try and support by meeting everyone on the 1st October

Dogs are welcome but must be kept under control 

New Park Bench for Firsdown

Firsdown Parish Council

Would like to say a Big Thank you to Rory Dible and  Plymouth Brethren Christian Church in donating a lovely new Park bench for the community

Local Parishioners including  Nigel Walsh and Parish Council Members Helen & Brian Edgeley helped to install the bench


This Summer Keep your shed and garage secure

Residents are being warned to keep sheds and garages securely locked following a number of incidents in the local district.

Firsdown Paths Group

Wiltshire Council has frozen the clearing, repairing and maintaining budget, of the county’s 3600 miles of Rights of Way with the exception where there is a danger to life and limb.

FIRSDOWN now have a small group of volunteers to clear and maintain our paths.