Young Work Wiltshire: A new service has been launched that aims to support 16 & 17 year old’s who are not in education, employment or training.

Three dedicated Education, Employment Advisers will be getting alongside our young people to help them access opportunities to help them towards successful working lives. These young people may face multiple barriers preventing them from participating in EET and need a different type of support. For some young people support is provided by other Local Authority Teams, specifically the SEND service for young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and those working with the Youth Offending Team (YOT).  

Supporting documentation can be downloaded from this post


Young Work Wiltshire can provide one-to-one support for young people who need help to find the right opportunity for them. This currently provided over the phone and online, but eventually we hope to do some face to face/outreach support.  

This support includes: 

·         Engaging a young person in understanding the provision available 

·         Finding and applying for a suitable education or training course 

·         Finding and applying for an apprenticeship 

·         Support in transitioning to the new opportunity

·         Tracking & reducing the young people without a known post 16 destination.


For more information or to refer to the service you can contact us by:

Phone: 01225 716890


Young people can register by completing an online form on the website – 


There is a new section on our Employment & Skills website Work Wiltshire Website dedicated for our NEET young people – Young Work Wiltshire 


Special features include: 

1.    vacancy service with fortnightly apprenticeships and job opportunities listings aimed at young people 

2.    The option for young people and those in support of them to sign up for a monthly e-newsletter aimed at inspiring them around local opportunities  (attached is our first addition)

3.    An opportunity service with ability for employers or providers to post up their jobs/apprenticeships/programmes for us to share with the young people we support 

4.    The ability for young people to update us on what they are doing to support our statutory responsibilities in knowing what every 16/17 year olds education and employment activity is 

5.    The ability for young people to register for support directly 


Total Attachments: 3

Download: 202006 Hot Opps Bulletin Edition1 (370 KB) Download: DM20_456 - EET service flyer ONLINE VERSION (65 KB) Download: DM20_457 - EET service offer leaflet ONLINE VERSION (87 KB)